Will Call of Duty Remain Cross-Platform Under Microsoft’s Ownership or It Become Xbox Exclusive?


Ever since Microsoft announced its acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the gaming community has been buzzing with speculations about the future of Call of Duty (CoD), one of the world’s most popular gaming franchises.

The one question that is looming in everybody’s mind, will CoD remain a cross-platform game, or will Microsoft make it exclusive to its Xbox ecosystem?

Xbox head Phil Spencer, in an attempt to assuage these concerns, recently sat down for an interview on the official Xbox podcast and shed light on the future of Call of Duty under the tech giant’s reign.

No Exclusivity, No FOMO For CoD

During the podcast, the topic of Call of Duty naturally took center stage.

It’s no secret that the gaming world has witnessed the unsettling tug-of-war between console exclusivity and the desire for a unified gaming community.

Sony’s previous hint that Microsoft might intentionally degrade the performance of the game on PlayStation platforms to divert its fanbase to Xbox, had started turmoil.

However, Spencer was quick to quash these suspicions, emphasizing Microsoft’s commitment to inclusivity and community-building.

“I don’t want you to feel like there is content you’re missing out, there are skins you’re missing out, there’s timing that you are missing out on,”

Spencer reassured the anxious fan base that their goal is to provide quality in any condition.

The Pledge of Parity: Equal Ground for All Platforms

Phil Spencer was certain about his vision for Call of Duty’s future.

In his own words, the aim is to ensure

“100 percent equality/parity across all platforms as much as can for launches and contents.”

His emphasis on the term ‘parity’ expands beyond mere rhetoric, emphasizing that Microsoft’s commitment to equality spans not only content but also performance.

While acknowledging that certain technical limitations might result in variations in frame rate and resolution across different consoles,

Spencer made it clear that this would be the extent of any disparities. “But there is nothing else,” he emphasized.

“We have no goal of somehow trying to use Call of Duty to get you to buy an Xbox console. I want the Call of Duty nation to feel sustained across all platforms.”

Also Read: Understanding Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard Deal: What It Means for Gamers and the Industry

Learning from Past Missteps: A Community-Centric Approach

Drawing from past experiences, Spencer highlighted Xbox’s prior encounters with franchise exclusivity.

He recalled the episode surrounding the beta release of Modern Warfare 3, which was initially exclusive to PlayStation users. However, reflecting on the aftermath, Spencer expressed his belief that such practices are bad for both the community and the game itself.

“I just – I don’t think that helps the community. I don’t think that helps the game,”

Spencer asserted, underlining his commitment to promoting a unified, inclusive gaming terrain.

A Unified Front: Call of Duty’s Promise in the Microsoft Era

As the interview drew to a close, Spencer’s passionate commitment to a community-driven, inclusive gaming experience resonated.

His reassurances about the future of Call of Duty under Microsoft’s tutelage painted a picture of a gaming landscape that prioritizes unity over division, and fellowship over rivalry.

With Spencer’s vision, it seems the future of Call of Duty is balanced to transcend the constraints of platform wars and embrace a truly unified gaming community.

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In conclusion…..

In the interview, Xbox head Phil Spencer clearly stated the inclusive approach of Microsoft with its rivals and emphasized healthy competition.

For Call of Duty, he reassured fans that its inclusivity on other platforms like PS5, Nintendo, and Steam will remain the same as before.

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