a boy playing on mobile phone

Gaming Spending Set to Reach $111 billion in 2024, Fueled by US, Japan, and Korea | data.ai Report

The video game industry rode a massive pandemic wave over the past few years as people flocked to interactive entertainment while stuck at home. However, the party paused in 2022 amidst financial uncertainty and a slump, now slowly getting back to its feet and forcing a market correction. Recently data.ai predicted the forecast for mobile…

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global mobile trends

Global Mobile Gaming Market to Reach $775 Billion By 2032 | A Deep Dive into Trends and Projections

The global mobile gaming market is undergoing a seismic shift, with its size soaring to $212.06 billion in 2023, projected to reach a staggering $500 billion by 2029 and $775 billion by 2032, as reported by Precedence Research. In this article, we analyze the report by Precedence Research and the factors driving this exponential growth…

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