nintendo switch 2 shuntaro furukawa

Nintendo Finally Confirmed The Successor of Switch, Revealing Before April 2025

Are you ready to bid farewell to the Nintendo Switch as we know it? Nintendo has finally confirmed that its highly anticipated next-generation console, the successor to the wildly popular Nintendo Switch, will be unveiled before April 2025. During the company’s end-of-year financial results presentation, Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa dropped a tantalizing hint about the…

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nintendo switch 2

Leaked Details on Nintendo Switch 2 from Accessory Manufacturers | Vandal Report

A recent report from Spanish site Vandal (reported by Eurogamer) shares exclusive details about the next Nintendo hardware after receiving information from manufacturers who have already had first contact with the Switch 2. Their colleague Rubén Mercado gained access to these exclusive details leaked during a fair where he was able to talk to several…

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gamescom nintendo switch2

Why is Nintendo Skipping Gamescom 2024? Is It Becouse of Switch 2?

Gamescom is the world’s largest consumer video game trade fair held annually in Cologne, Germany with over 300,000 visitors and 1000+ exhibitors present. It is a crucial event in the gaming industry, where companies showcase their latest products, announcements, and upcoming releases. For Nintendo, Gamescom has traditionally been a significant platform to connect with European fans, demonstrate…

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