Remedy logo group of girls

Remedy Entertainment Cancels Multiplayer Project Codename Kestrel

Remedy Entertainment, the renowned developer behind critically acclaimed games like Alan Wake and Control, has recently announced the cancellation of its secret multiplayer project, Codename Kestrel. The decision to shelve Kestrel was made to reallocate resources and focus on the company’s already established franchises. What was Codename Kestrel? Codename Kestrel was one of the ambitious game projects…

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remedy-rockstar games

Take-Two and Remedy Locked in Logo Dispute Despite Ongoing Collaboration

In a turn of events, Take-Two Interactive and Remedy Entertainment find themselves at odds over their respective logos containing the letter ‘R’. Take-Two, owner of Grand Theft Auto developer Rockstar Games, has filed a trademark dispute against Remedy’s rebranded logo in the United Kingdom. This opposition comes despite the two companies actively working together on…

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