In a groundbreaking move, Riot Games, the renowned American video game developer, has set the stage for its inaugural international Valorant esports competition in India. Named “Convergence,” this four-day event will held at the Manpho Convention Center in Bangalore from December 14 to 17.
The tournament boasts the participation of elite teams from around the globe, including Global Esports, FUT, Furia, Vitality, and GenG. These powerhouses, regular contenders in Riot’s Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) across Asia, Europe, and the Americas, will clash during the main event kicking off on December 14.
Sukamal Pegu, Esports Lead for India & South Asia at Riot Games, expresses excitement about Convergence, stating,
“With Confluence, Indian fans will finally get to see some of their favorite Valorant athletes perform in person and also interact with them off-stage. It will be a perfect ending to the 2023 VCT season, and we are just getting started here in India for such international events.”
Riot Games’ Community Engagement
Riot Games has been actively involved in fostering community engagement and enhancing player experiences over the past year in India.
Celebrating the one-year anniversary of VALORANT’s first-ever Indian agent, Harbor, Riot organized a beach clean-up with the Indian gaming community.
Additionally, the third anniversary of VALORANT in India was commemorated with BHARAT VALORANT celebrations.
Riot’s commitment to community engagement and the celebration of Valorant’s milestones in India reflects a strategic approach that goes beyond gaming, creating an enduring connection with players and fans alike.