Krafton India recently launched its ambitious Esports Campus Tour 2024, which aims to promote competitive gaming across India. This tour will host multiple gaming tournaments featuring popular titles such as BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India), Bullet Echo India, Real Cricket, and Road to Valor: Empires. Targeting a wide range of colleges nationwide, the tour spans across 64 colleges in various Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 cities, engaging students in different parts of the country.
The Esports Campus Tour 2024 has set a substantial prize pool of ₹2 crore, with each participating college receiving ₹2 lakh to support the event. Since its launch in August 2023, the tour has already completed successful tournaments in 14 colleges, including prominent institutions like IIT Kanpur, the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, and K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering. The tour will continue its journey until March 2025, offering more students the chance to participate and compete.
This tour aligns closely with Krafton’s mission to foster the growth of esports at the grassroots level in India. By creating this initiative, Krafton is aiming to provide students with more exposure to esports and opportunities to showcase their gaming talents. Karan Pathak, Associate Director of Esports at Krafton India, expressed his enthusiasm for the tour, stating
“We are incredibly excited to launch the Esports Campus Tour 2024. This initiative is not just about competition; it’s about creating opportunities and experiences for young gamers across India. By integrating these tournaments with college cultural festivals, we aim to foster a vibrant esports culture and provide a platform for emerging talent to shine. Indian Esports has immense potential, and we are dedicated to supporting and nurturing this talent to compete on the global stage.”
South Korean giant is significantly investing in India, committing over $150 million to the Indian gaming sector. Additionally, they have recently partnered with the venture fund IMM to invest in other non-gaming entities.