Why EA Is Dropping Apex Legends Support on Linux and Steam Deck

apex legends steam deck

Electronic Arts (EA) has announced the termination of Apex Legends support for both Steam Deck and Linux platforms. The decision comes as part of the company’s efforts to combat cheating within the popular battle royale game.

What’s the Main Issue with Linux Support?

The main issue EA faces with Linux is its open-source nature, which makes it easier for cheat developers to exploit the platform. According to EA’s official statement, the open architecture of Linux makes it an appealing target for cheaters. EA’s community manager noted that Linux’s flexibility allows cheaters to create and run cheats in ways that are difficult to detect and prevent.

The statement also highlighted the difficulty in identifying legitimate players on Steam Deck versus potential cheaters operating through Linux systems.

How Does This Affect Steam Deck Users?

For Steam Deck users, this decision is particularly impactful. Apex Legends had officially supported Steam Deck since March 2022, making it one of the few battle royale games accessible on the handheld device by default.

However, as Steam Deck runs on a Linux-based operating system, the new restriction means these players can no longer play Apex Legends unless they install Windows on their devices.

EA encourages users to switch to Windows if they wish to continue playing on Steam Deck.

What Makes Linux-Based Cheating Different?

EA’s statement revealed several key concerns about Linux-based cheating:

  • Linux cheats are more difficult to detect
  • Cheat developers are increasingly targeting the platform
  • Windows cheats are being emulated through Linux to evade detection
  • The impact of Linux-based cheating affects a disproportionate number of players

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney had previously cited similar anti-cheat concerns when explaining Fortnite’s absence from Steam Deck.

What’s Next for Apex Legends?

EA’s move to discontinue Linux support appears to be part of a larger plan to secure Apex Legends’ future. The company has shared its vision of supporting the game for another “10 to 15 years,” with stronger anti-cheat protections as a core focus of this initiative.

EA’s decision comes just ahead of the launch of Season 23, indicating a strong push to maintain the game’s integrity as it evolves.

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