Valve has officially announced that The International 2025, Dota 2’s most prestigious annual tournament, will take place in Hamburg, Germany. The event is set to unfold at the Barclays Arena from September 11 to 14, marking a significant return to Germany after 14 years.
The last time The International was held in Germany was during its debut in 2011 at Gamescom in Cologne. Over the years, the tournament has grown into a global spectacle, traveling to cities like Seattle, Vancouver, Bucharest, Shanghai, Singapore, and, most recently, Copenhagen.
Valve also revealed that the tournament’s 16 teams will be determined through a mix of direct invitations, open qualifiers, and regional qualifiers. Specific details about the invitation and qualification processes are yet to be announced.
Dota 2 remains one of the biggest esports in the world. The 2024 edition of The International drew peak viewing figures of 1.43 million during the Grand Finals between Team Liquid and Gaimin Gladiators.
2025 promises a packed Dota 2 calendar starting with the BLAST Slam II tournament from February 3 to 9, 2025. Additionally, multiple events are going to be hosted by organizers like the ESL FACEIT Group, the Esports World Cup, and PGL’s Wallachia competition.
Sources: Valve Official Announcement